Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM)


January 16, 2018 Posted by Nurul In Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM)



Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM)
Author: Shahreen Kasim , Iman Shahrizan , Hanayanti Hafit , Aida Mustapha , Rusli Abdullah , Ayu Alyani

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

DOI :10.26480/aem.02.2017.10.12

Application software is often used for end user. Application software have two types of general classes which is system software and application software. For instance, in SHOP1UTHM Facebook, the customer sometimes can be fraud by the seller because the seller does not put the exact price on the advertisement. The seller also biding the price to the other customer in secretly ways but not in a group way. So, this project will provide a systematically and safe medium for user to sell and buy used good items via online and mobile-based management system which consist of interface and database. This mobile-based management system consists of three web application which is customer application, administration application and seller application. It’s also provide new way of selling used goods items, save time and cost, provide a wider market and more interactive compared to the traditional methods. The mobile-based management system for online UTHM used goods (SHOP1UTHM) also provide customer online shopping that uses shopping basket, seller can sell their items with administrator approval, and administrative processes online. The basic main function of this system are Registration, Login, and Update Purchasing Used Goods, Online Transaction, Admin Management System and others. The customer can browse to search the used goods that they wanted by added to the shopping basket to order. The shopping basket can also increase in quantity or removal before the checkout. The administrator can manage the system by add, delete, update and remove the items and the items information. Seller can insert, update and remove the items that they want to sell. Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), MySQL, Bootstrap and other related tools and languages were used to develop this SHOP1UTHM system with the target to provide bigger, huge and secure market for used goods selling.

Pages 10-12
Year 2017
Issue 2
Volume 1
