Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM)
Author: Muhammad Fajril Atthoriq, Kamelia Agustina, Harummi Sekar Amarilies, Aulia Rahmah Annisa
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
DOI :10.26480/aem.01.2021.06.16
Cold chain is a temperature management process to maintain the quality and safety of perishable products from the point of origin through the distribution chain to the end consumer. In 2020, almost all businesses got paralyzed because of Covid-19 pandemic, but not logistics. Due to the increasing needs of frozen food, medicine, ice cream, and other perishable products, the cold chain logistics activities are still running as usual, with several Covid-19 prevention guidelines to follow. Sadly, not all cold warehouses are equipped with the automation technology that can run automatically and obey the Covid-19 prevention guidelines. One approach that can minimize the number of employees working at the same time is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based automated dock door. This research analyzed the design of automated dock door as well as the distribution vehicle queuing system to ensure the effective distribution process with aims to determine the number of automated dock door design that should be built in the distribution process. Simulation is the approach applied in this research. The tools are CX-Programmer and CX-Designers software to analyze the design of automated dock door system and ProModel software to analyze the queuing problem of vehicles in the shipping area. Based on simulation, the number of automated dock door that should be built is 2 with the results showing that vehicles can run the distribution process according to warehouse operational time. The automated dock doors are improved by additional dock shelter as the sterilization area from Covid-19 and seal to ensure stable temperature that is set from -12°C until -15°C. This research used secondary and self-generated data to be applied to an ice cream products distribution warehouse. There is no automated dock door system in the warehouse at the initial condition of this research. The output of this research is to balance the application of automated dock door with a queuing system at a cold chain distribution warehouse so that stakeholders can decide how many automated dock doors to build. In the other hand, this application of automation technology also considers minimizing contact among employees to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Pages | 06-16 |
Year | 2021 |
Issue | 1 |
Volume | 5 |